"Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by." ~ 1 Kings 19:11

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." ~ Psalm 46:1

"... Bring my sons from afar, and my daughters from the ends of the earth- everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf." ~ Isaiah 43: 6-8

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Words have definitions, you know those ones that seem to be set in stone. Then there's those words that everyone just thinks mean something. Like all the labels people put on each other. Emo means you're depressed and wear all black. Prep means you're stuck up and rich. There's tons more. I hate the way we do that. How we forget true meanings of words, replace them with traditions or stereotypes. I've witnessed two majors of these in the last months.

1. The words "Best Friend" - How many teenage girls say they have best friends? Almost every single one. How many don't? I don't know. I'm guessing a lot of people were me. I thought I had friends. Thought they were my best friends. But did we ever really know what that meant? I sure didn't. I thought it was like what you hear, sleepovers, talking about boys, makeup, and clothes. But how come, when I had that, it didn't feel right, I couldn't trust anyone and always felt like I was pretending to be someone I'm not. We've created this mold for best friends. It has to be just like so or they must not be friends. Well, I'm sorry, that's not right. You can have best friends who've gone through stuff. You can have best friends who talk about things other than guys, makeup, and clothes. You can have best friends who you laugh with... and cry with. You can have a best friend who knows that friendship truly is just another form of love. I'm redefining friendship. Starting now.

2. The Psychologist/Counselor/Shrink Bubble - How many have heard the word shrink? Almost everyone. No one can stand them. The annoying counselor who falls asleep during a session, the one who doesn't even give a care, the one who just suggests medicine and other doctors, the one who's just in it for the money. But most of all, who's going to tell all their problems to a random stranger? My goal is to redefine this role. I want the word counselor to mean what it should of meant all along. The dictionary defines counselor as one who gives advice, an adviser. Yes, that is true. But a counseler needs to know someone, truly know them. You know how easy it is to lie to a counseler? I sure do. Sixth grade, I lied to one. Pretending I was okay, when I was on the verge of suicidal. It's easy to pretend to be okay. Especially to a complete stranger. My best friend agrees with me that teens need someone like themselves, a younger person they can trust. Like a 20 something, easy going understanding, not in for the money person. That's who I want to be. Redefine counseler as someone who gives advice that you can trust, that can be your best friend and there whenever you need them.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


A question so many, many ask. Think about how many times we here that word in a day.

"Why do we have to get up?"

"Why is the sky blue?"

"But, Mom, why??"

Everyone of us wonders why about things. Different things, yes, but still wonder. I don't wonder about why I'm here, or if God is real, or those kinds of things. I wonder odd things. I wonder things like :

"Why does she do that?"

"Why is he like that?

"Why do we act like that?"

Call me weird, call me investigative. Either way, I wonder these things. Think about it. I wonder why the girl in my biology always lets this one kid cheat off her. I wonder why my best friend always puts on a strong facade for everyone but me to believe. I wonder why my other best friend doesn't just tell someone about what she's gone through. I wonder why certain people act the way they do. I wonder why that girl who sits next to me in 3rd period is known to be a s***. I wonder why one of my lunch buddies smokes. I wonder why my best friend's mom is considered bipolar. I wonder things like that. Why are we the way we are? What's underneath the layers we put on?

I want a degree in Abnormal Psych, I'm not sure if it's even possible to get a degree in that specific area but that's what I want. I want to study the unusal patterns of emotions, behavoir and thoughts. It could be described as the study of mental disorders. But it's not. Yes, I want to study things like depression, bipolar disorder, multiple personality disorder etc. But I want to study our emotions and how and why, I want to help those hurting. I want to study the effects of abuse, rape, and violence on someone. I want to help those who have thoughts of suicide. Those who are at the end of their rope.

So tell me why, why, why?
Why do we forget to keep our hearts safe?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Meaning Behind It All

I have a song that uses those lyrics ^^^ yes, random I know.
Anyway, I'm here to explain the title of my blog aka the meaning behind it.
I really love this whole blogging thing, I just want to type and type and type some more, maybe I'm just strange...

Okay, back on task. My blog is called "Beautifully Broken." Why?
Ever heard the song Broken & Beautiful by Mark Schultz? If you have, great, it's truly a very good song! My blog would be called Broken and Beautiful but that's stealing the title, so it's Beautifully Broken. It implies how all of us are broken. Just look around you, that girl in seventh period with the love for cookies: she's really a terrified victim. That girl every calls a s***, she's really just looking for love she doesn't find at home. That girl who seems to be so strong: she's really falling apart and at her last resort. The mom who voulenteers for everything : A women lost in depression. The lady you passed in the grocery store: a women struggling with her past. That guy in black standing on the corner, some say he's a stoner, but he's really just trying to escape the lies.

Every single one of us is broken. Or we used to be. Of six billion people in this world, around half struggle with depression or thoughts of suicide. I created this blog, since I do not have the means of creating a website. I want with all my heart to create a website devoted to helping those who are struggling. Yes, we have organizations like TWLOHA, and websites like sixbillionsecrets, but TWLOHA supports are few and far between. And sixbillionsecrets is a site where your secret has to be voted on just to be published. No one gets the help they need.

So here I am, I want to start something new, something real, something that will help! I was there, I was broken, suicidal, God saved my life. I don't want Beautifully Broken to shove God down people's throats. No way. I want people to stand up! Step up! Be heros! Those of us who are no longer broken, those of us who know how to over come things, to reach out!

Teen suicide rates have gone up. I know at least two of my best friends have thoughts like that daily, two of three! I strive to be there for my friends, anytime they need it. And I'm not stopping there. I'm going to start this revolution if it takes everything I've got! Starting with this blog, maybe people will join me, maybe they won't, maybe my words will give someone hope, either way I'm doing it. If anyone needs someone to talk to, email me. I will check every single day. Maybe no one will even read this, but it still will not stop me. Because lives can and will be saved, but it takes a hero to change the course of history. That, is the meaning behind this blog.0


Well, welcome to my new blog! If you find this, good for you, maybe something I say might actually help someone, who knows. Now, time for a little introduction.
I'm Kerri, and I'm just another teen blogger. Okay, that's a down-right lie. I'm different, crazy, and down-right strange sometimes.
I don't have an overly keen sense of fashion like some, I'm not incrediably poetic (in fact, I really don't even think poetry is my weak suit, more like down-right horrible suit.), I don't have any crazy emotional things to tell, and I'm pretty much clueless when it comes to romance.
Here's what I do have: I'm a teenager, with three amazing best friends, a good guy friend, another guy who makes me laugh a lot, a strange ability to write song lyrics but they are NOT poetic, a love of writing fiction, a chance at a show choir solo, one 56,000 word manuscript sitting on my desk, a 3-inch binder of stories and ex-stories, and a faith in God that is immovable.
I created this for two reasons, a place to share anything I need and want to, and a place for me to give/get advice. According to my best friend, I give good advice when her and her boyfriend fight. This is probably because I've read more teen dating books than almost anyone. I'll probably put some of songs on here. I'll be very happy when people read them :)
This is me blog, welcome to it :) I'll explain it's title next post. I think I used down-right a few too many times this post... :P