"Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by." ~ 1 Kings 19:11

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." ~ Psalm 46:1

"... Bring my sons from afar, and my daughters from the ends of the earth- everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made. Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf." ~ Isaiah 43: 6-8

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Letters and God

A few months ago, when it first came out, I heard the song If I Die Young by The Band Perry. At the moment, it made me think of an idea for my English assignment I had to write. Two months later, that song became really popular. At this point I thought of something else. What if I died young? Sadistic, maybe, but listen. I started thinking of all the things I'd never told anyone. All the things I'd never said.

I found a yellow notebook that was new. I started off the first page with a prologue, explaining that these letters were to be read only if I died, or if one of the people they were to, was in a life or death situation. I wrote half a letter to my mom, and then started on one to my childhood friend. The next day my grandma had a rountine heart surgery and crashed on the table. Thank You, God, they were able to revive her. The next day I wrote her letter. There's more to that story later.

Next, once my grandma was completly stable, I started writing my best friend's letter. For three years we've been friends. It's been a tough three years of praying for her. Pretty much since we became good friends, she has said she doesn't beleive in God. I've wondered why all along. I rememered how in sixth grade I didn't believe in Him. I thought maybe it was because of her mother, who was and is verbally abusive. I thought maybe never having memories of her parents together was part of it. I thought because her mother believed in God but also verbally abused her, she didn't believe in God. I wrote in the letter for a week, I wrote about the first time we met, how we became friends, our first fight-over God, our next over God, when her and her boyfriend had they're first fight, and how I longed for the day she could see the works of God I saw in her life.

Her and her boyfriend faught a lot this week, so I finally told her how it ripped me apart. Slowly, over the course of the week, after I'd written it down, we started talking about the things in the letter. All our memories, and her and her boyfriend's fights. Yesterday was my Christmas party, and only her and one of our other friends could come. While she was over, her and her boyfriend got into a fight. I cried while they argued over the phone. Eventually, I told her everything their fights did. Somehow the conversation changed to talking about God. And for the first time in three years, I was able to talk to my best friend about the One who saved my life without her getting angry.

All week I've had dreams of talking to her about God. I realize now it was God preparing me to talk to her. Since I found out she didn't believe, I figured she was an atheist and always had been. No. Her belief in God stopped when she became mad at Him. She prayed and prayed and prayed that things would get better between her and her now ex-boyfriend. When she found out he cheated on her, the last of her faith went down the toliet. All along, she's believed in God, but she's been mad at Him.

It's honestly more of a miracle now, I understand where she's coming from, God finally showed me He's mighty to save. My best friend claimed herself to be an atheist, but I know, in her heart she knows God is real, God is there, and one day, she will finally realize God never hurt her, she will realize He is her Saviour and the only One who can heal her brokeness.

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